Dr. 丹尼尔Wesche

在具有里程碑意义的 we believe that every student can and should be prepared to impact the world for Jesus Christ. 一个准备好要有影响力的学生是一个与基督有更深关系的人, 一个人领导自己和他人的能力在增长吗, 是谁在发现, 发展中, 管理上帝赐予的天赋和才能. 在具有里程碑意义的, we have the opportunity to prepare students to impact the world in the context of a college preparatory education and in covenantal partnership with Christian families.



Our vision at Landmark Christian School is clear; LOL外围下注. 我们努力在本质上成为一所基督教学校-基督是我们所做的一切的一部分. 具有里程碑意义的教育不仅改变了思想,也改变了心灵. The impact of Landmark on a student can be life-defining; and our students, 反过来, 毕业后准备好影响他人.


Landmark Christian School partners with Christian families by equipping college-bound students to embrace a Christ-centered worldview, 成长为仆人领袖和管家神对他们生命的独特目的.

Landmark透过重要的伙伴关系服务基督徒家庭. 在学年期间, students will spend the vast majority of their time either at school or involved with school related activities. Landmark帮助家庭管理好这段时间的导师, 老师, and coaches who support rather than undermine the foundation of Christian values that families have laid for their children.

具有里程碑意义的教育为学生在大学阶段的成功做好准备, and a robust college-guidance program helps families identify the college that is the right fit for each student. 每年,我们100%的高年级学生都被大学项目录取. 有机会获得26个双入学学分, 100%的学生都考上了大学, 除了霍普和泽尔·米勒,还有1100万美元的奖学金, 具有里程碑意义的毕业生为他们旅程的下一步做好了充分的准备.

在Landmark,我们都是关于耶稣的. 教育从来不是中立的, and we are unapologetically committed to helping our students deepen their relationship with Christ. 我们强健的基督徒生活课程包括每日文化和世界观课程, 每周的教堂, 服务的机会, 任务之旅, 和撤退. 然而, 我们作为一个以基督为中心的社区的身份渗透到学校生活的各个方面, 从学者, 艺术, 对于运动.

Landmark students are uniquely prepared to lead themselves and others through nationally recognized leadership programming. 而许多学校提供学生政府角色和一些社区服务, Landmark students hone the real skills necessary for successful leadership in the real world through our Leadership Academy curriculum. Moving from the classroom to challenging adventures while spelunking or whitewater rafting to real-world leadership responsibilities, 具有里程碑意义的学生受到挑战,并准备成长为仆人式领袖.

神有意让每个学生为耶稣基督影响世界. 无论是通过优秀的学术, 我们独特的学院路径之一, 个性化的顶点项目, 冠军运动员, 或者是获奖的美术作品, thousands of students have discovered and developed the gifts God had planned for them. 我们很乐意帮助你的孩子找到他们的.


We believe Christian education is about helping each student see all of life through the lens of Scripture. 为此,我们在每一个主题和每一种关系中都指向基督. 无论是通过学术, 体育或美术, 圣经教导是我们一切工作的核心.

Across their educational journey, Landmark students are equipped to see the world as God sees it. 

  • 在小学, students come to understand that God created the world and has a plan for them and their relationships. The truth of God’s good news for our lives and the grand story of redemption permeates everything we do. 
  • 在中学,让学生了解圣经对知识和真理的看法. They are pointed to their identity in Christ and the call to love God and love others. 
  • 高中时, 学生为神为他们计划的王国影响的一生做准备. 他们获得了圣经的道德观, 全球合作, 以及基于基督模式的领导.


  1. 在日常生活中应用神的真理是我们的终极目标. 我们每天都渴望学习神的真理,并被它改变. We know this will occur only as we apply His truth moment by moment, empowered by His Holy Spirit. 詹姆斯一22
  2. 为他人服务是我们每天都要做的选择. 耶稣示范并命令我们彼此服事. 当我们服事别人时,我们不仅服侍他们,我们的心也在成长. 一颗愿意服务的心是成为一个真正的仆人式领袖的先决条件. 歌罗西书3:23
  3. 追求卓越的热情将在我们所做的一切中体现出来. Jesus gave His best for us; our lives will be gifts back to Him. 我们要在与基督的关系中表现出追求卓越的热情, 在我们彼此的关系中, 在学者, 在田径, 在艺术领域, 我们的职业道德, 在我们生活的方方面面. 马修20:26
  4. 我们将拥抱多样性,重视每一个学生. 我们都是按照上帝的形象创造的. We can grow and develop to our full potential as we learn from and love people who are not like us. 加拉太书3:28
  5. 我们将建立一个充满爱和优雅的社区. 作为上帝恩典的接受者,我们将向他人展示恩典. This will manifest itself in countless ways; including kindness, 鼓励, 宽恕, 对我们每天接触的人的爱. 约翰13:34-35

阅读我们的 信仰声明.


点击这里 for a series of AXIS Christian resources for parents navigating their kids’ teenage years.


一开始是在肖尼的一个简单的祈祷会. A conversation that set hearts aflame with a burden for children to attend a school that honored God from start to finish.

1988年秋天的一个早晨, 三个绅士, 后来被称为我们的开国元勋, 在费耶特维尔的肖尼餐厅共进早餐, 乔治亚州, 祈祷和分享一个基督教学校的梦想. 会后,他们继续祈祷,并与他人分享他们的梦想. They discovered that God had been moving in many hearts in the South Atlanta area – the hearts of parents who committed themselves to prayer and hard work. 结果是, 几个月后, 1989年秋天, Landmark opened its doors – doors to a warehouse renovated by the loving labor of parent volunteers – to 170 eager students in grades 7-12.

当学校开始探索扩张的方式, 上帝仁慈地给了Landmark买下空出来的12号楼的机会.位于佐治亚州费尔本的坎贝尔高中校园占地5英亩. 从1991年春天开始, Landmark has continued to grow in the Fairburn community to its present 71 acres which include the main campus buildings, 两个场馆, 两个健身房, 棒球和垒球的综合场地, 室内练习场, 以及摔跤练习空间. Adding an elementary school at the main campus in 1994 and an elementary satellite campus in Peachtree City in 2004 helped increase the Landmark enrollment to an all-time high of 1059 in 2019. In 2020, Landmark broke ground for a new state-of-the-art high school on the Fairburn campus. God continues to bless Landmark today as we celebrate more than three decades of preparing students to impact the world for Jesus Christ.




贾斯汀·米勒是CARE for AIDS的联合创始人兼首席执行官, 这是一个为东非受艾滋病毒/艾滋病影响的家庭提供服务的非营利组织. 贾斯汀是Landmark(2005届)的校友. Justin and his wife, Lindsay, have a daughter, Addie, and two sons, Finn and Logan.



柯尔斯顿和她的丈夫本杰明·沃森是7个孩子的骄傲父母. Kirsten worked in the nonprofits before moving across the country with her husband's NFL career. Kirsten is also the executive editor of MomLife Today and is the author of Sis, Take A Breath.

Eric Worrell


埃里克和他的妻子安妮是露西、艾萨克和杰克的骄傲父母. Eric is a Senior Vice President-Investment Officer with the Worrell Wealth Management Group of Wells Fargo Advisors. 他为董事会带来了12年的财务和战略规划经验. 埃里克是一名自豪的地标战鹰(2004级).



詹姆斯和他的妻子米歇尔是多诺万、埃文和劳伦的父母. James is an 咨询 Principal at ThoughtWorks, a global management and technology consultancy. 他还在学校的发展委员会任职.



Bruce是City of Refuge, Inc .的创始人兼首席执行官., a non-profit organization focused on offering restorative services for those experiencing homelessness as well as survivors of sex trafficking and exploitation. 布鲁斯和他的妻子朗达是5个女儿的父母,她们都是Landmark的毕业生.



希瑟MacHarg is an education advocate and proud mother to four Landmark students. 希瑟的早期职业生涯是在福来鸡公司, 管理全国餐厅的运营支持. 希瑟和她的丈夫斯基普是康纳、艾米丽、莫莉和哈德森的父母.



米歇尔McAteer is a Marketing Consultant and brings to the Board talents in the areas of 市场营销, 沟通与筹资. Michelle currently serves on the Finance Committee and is helping develop the Landmark strategic 市场营销 plan. 米歇尔和她的丈夫鲍勃是Xander和Julianne的父母.



亚伦科是Future City Now的创始人兼首席执行官. 亚伦领导着一个专门研究组织战略的问题解决者团队, 市场营销, 捐助者的发展和执行. 有Ph值.D. 应用神学, Aaron is passionate about living on mission and making a way for people to engage with the world. 亚伦和他的妻子卡门带着四个孩子住在佐治亚州亚特兰大.



凯莉·怀特是奥本大学心理学专业的毕业生. 她和她的丈夫约翰是里斯,惠勒,马兰和利瓦伊的父母. Kylie has volunteered in philanthropy for the last 7 years as an ambassador and Board member for CARE for AIDS. 她还在家族企业的各种理事会和委员会担任职务..



卢卡斯和他的妻子安吉尔是卢克和帕克的骄傲父母. Lukas received his undergraduate degree from Wake Forest and his MBA from Northwestern. 他目前在Chick-fil-A领导一个财务顾问团队. He has also volunteered as a Landmark 中学 coach for baseball and basketball.


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